Software Phones
Microsoft Windows Softphones
SOHO66's VOIS Softphone Setup Guide


Before you start, you need to know your VoIP username, password. You can get these from your Soho66 account, by clicking My Soho (or My Goldfish), then "Your Numbers", then the telephone number that you wish to connect to.

The VoIP username and VoIP password are near the bottom of the page, in a section entitled "Voice over IP settings - For configuring your IP phone".

 Don't Have VOIS Yet?

VOIS is available either a web based softphone (for Windows or Mac users) or as a downloadble/installable application (only ony Windows)

  • Downloadable application - on your Windows PC/laptop open up your Microsoft Store and search for VOIS SOFTPHONE

Click the INSTALL button and allow Windows in install accordingly.

Logging into VOIS

When you first access either version of VOIS it will prompt you to allow notifications and then access to your microphone

If you are using the browser version you may then get your browser specifically prompt you to then grant access to your microphone

After that you will get a main login screen to VOIS (they are identical in both the web based and installed versions)

Enter both your VoIP Username and Password accordingly and you will then be logged in

Configuring VOIS

Once logged in you can then configure VOIS in regards to it ring tone, volume etc by clicking on the settings cog in the bottom right.